Okay I'm back at it. Back to handling biz. I'm in the office lining up some plays. I took a break from this mode so that I can focus on family stuff. Now I feel it is time to start doing what I do best. This is an amazing journey for me. The balance of everything. I am excited about what is to come. I am pretty much going to stay working and stay grinding haha. I just need something to do right? Might as well do something I love doing. The stuff I do is exciting to me. I enjoy it. It is like a game. Life is beautiful. Vegas is beautiful. I got a special announcement coming on weds but for now i am announcing that i am dropping a single a week for the next 110 days. Why that number? because 100 is not quite 2 years but 110 is over 2 years. I think that is a good goal. Content content content. I always refer back to that cuz that is the name of the game i'm in I feel. I don't know, I just have a new motivation and inspiration on what needs to be done and I am going to make it move the way it needs to move. I am going to reach out to people and start formulating plays and make that thing move the way it needs to move.Mind body and soul has to be in balance and I feel we can do that and make things work the way it needs to work and all of that good stuff. I am very grateful for all my blessings and appreciated all the love in my life. I love life and want to be able to make the greatest impact I can while I am here. I feel I am living my purpose and want to continue to do so to the fullest. I am really excited about the next wave of music I am creating and making it move the way it needs to you already know. Everyday day I'm hustling and making things happen. Don't know what else to write. I'm a little rusty but time is up. love yall